
Creating A Powerpoint Presentation Youtube
creating a powerpoint presentation youtube


On the Home tab, click the bottom half of New Slide, and pick a slide layout. Read more: Use or create themes in PowerPoint. Click Create, or pick a color variation and then click Create.

creating a powerpoint presentation youtube

Select an option: Select Blank Presentation to create a presentation from scratch. That's why you see Click to add title and Click to add. The makers of PowerPoint have tried to make this easy and have guessed that you’d like to have a title and some text on your second page. But of course her change means you have to start all over with the copy and pastes…Go to the menu bar at the top of the page and select 'Insert' and 'New Slide.' You’ll see a new blank slide that looks a little different. Finally, the slides are finished…, until you read a new message from your boss requesting a minor change.

No more wasting time! So, here it is – How to Save TONS of Time by Using an Excel VBA Macro to Build Your Presentation:I found that PowerPoint was a surprisingly powerful slideshow creation tool. So when a simple change is requested, the presentation is automatically generated with the click of a button. Excel VBA makes it a cinch to automate the entire process. Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.There is always a better way! In the Oil and Gas industry, I constantly have monthly reports to assess the performance of our operating assets. Select Take a Tour, and then select Create, to see tips for using PowerPoint.

To show the developer tab, click on the Microsoft Office Button and click Excel Options.B. To do this, you can either press ALT + F11, or you can take the following steps:A. Create a new worksheet and paste in all the charts you need for the presentation.3. Use our library of styles, characters, backgrounds and video, or upload your own Free.

Creating A Powerpoint Presentation Youtube Code Into The

Click on the CreatePowerPoint macro and press Okay.10. Right click the rectangle and click Assign Macro.9. Now all you need to do is go to Excel and run the CreatePowerPoint macro! To make this easy, draw a rectangle shape in your Excel worksheet which contains all the charts you want to export to PowerPoint.8. Paste the following code into the module (I included comments so you can customize it to your liking).7. In your VBA Editor window, click File => Insert => Module.5. Click on the Developer tab in the ribbon and click Visual Basic.4.

Creating A Powerpoint Presentation Youtube How To Automate PPT

But each one was different. How do you Automate PPT Creation?During my day job, I used to make a lot of presentations. And I am sure our readers will also like it.If you like this technique, say thanks to Drew. I have really enjoyed playing this idea. AppActivate ("Microsoft PowerPoint") <- if this doesn't workAppActivate "PowerPoint" <- use this Thanks DrewThank you so much Drew for writing this insightful article and showing us how to automate PPT Creation thru Excel VBA.

creating a powerpoint presentation youtube

My approach was to make a chart for every possible permutation, then link them all into PowerPoint. However, the slightly modified code below works with Office 2010 (Powerpoint), and produces a slide with thumbnails (iMaxSlidesHorizontal (8) to a row).ActivePresentation.SaveAs FileName:=strPath & "\Test.PNG", FileFormat:=ppSaveAsPNG, EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=msoFalseSet sld = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutBlank)Sld.Shapes.AddPicture FileName:=strPath & "\Test\slide" _Left:=iSlidesHorizontal * (iWidth + iHSpacing), Top:=iSlidesVertical * (iHeight + iVSpacing), _ISlidesHorizontal = iSlidesHorizontal + 1If iSlidesHorizontal >= iMaxSlideHorizontal ThenI have a few large presentations (~300 slides). His most recent projects include using GIS mapping technology to visualize data and enhance interaction across organizations.It is not clear to me from the trailing posts if the problem with the above not working has been fixed. He currently performs analytics and modeling for the Oil and Gas industry. About the Author:Drew Kesler specializes in process automation and data visualization.

The only problem I've noticed is some of the charts have the little red "X" in the corner, but it goes away after a second or two. I have a sub that exports all the charts out as images:FlPath = "C:\Excel\Exports" 'Put files in this folderCs.Export Filename:=fName, FilterName:="jpg"OCht.Chart.Export Filename:=fName, FilterName:="jpg"'MsgBox ("All workbook charts have been exported as images to ") & flPath & ".", vbOKOnlyThen in PowerPoint I link to the image on the file server. There appears to be no solution to this so now I need a new approach.I've tested the following approach a little and it seems to work. Second, once they are updated, when you go into slide show view in PowerPoint the fonts are all fuzzy (I've looked into this and it has something to do with the way PP07 scales the slides). First, it takes forever to update the links, if it does it at all.

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